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All the posts and the content in this blog are adopted and abridged from free resources in the internet which does not claim any copyrights. Some of the images claiming copyrights were used in this blog following proper attribution. Techformation do not hold any legal responsibility for any post or content who claims copyright. However Techformation obeys cyber laws and strictly abide by the copyright policies. Techformation just presents you the creative work of designers but do not perform any kind of business with their designs. All the content provided in this blog are just for the purpose of information and knowledge only. And techformation do not hold any responsibility of the design particulars. If any one claims the quality of the content, necessary measures will be taken by either modifying/removing that particular content. We have complete control over the blog to remove any content which are violating copyrights of an individual organization.
Neither we intentionally distribute any copyrighted content nor we are aware that they are copyrighted. Advertisements in the blog are to generate revenue for the maintenance of the blog. We are not involved in any business with the content on the blog. We do not encourage anyone to distribute or use part of or full content on this blog. We strictly oppose piracy.