Sunday, September 05, 2010

Icon Envelopes

In ancient times we relied only upon postal service. It is the only source of communication in those days. These services include letters of various types, parcels and many modes. Later on after invention of telephones and mobiles, face an pace of communication had undergone a drastic change. And later after launching internet, communication became child's play. E-mails and social networking are present most used communication modes. We don't bother or worry about information sharing right now. Many great people had striven hard to make us taste this delicious fruit. And now, technology advanced one more step. Generally we need a medium to check our mail or any message. Generally we opt for a PC or a mobile phone or some other multimedia device. What if you can see your mail or message right on your desk? This idea led to an amazing concept " Icon Envelope".

You are mistaken if you considered this as any touch screen concept. Touch screen is entirely different form this concept. This one is analogous to the concepts we have seen from various Sci-Fi movies where a person sends an encrypted message to other party. This one is just an idea which will be implemented in the coming future.

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