Friday, November 12, 2010

Techformation ShowCase Of the Month: Oct 12 to Nov 12 2010

We were awestruck by the overwhelming response towards Techformation. We really owe to all my readers and visitors. Techformation completed its third month of its blogging journey and heading towards a gigantic level. Though the posts and content presented in this month are a bit low, we got a good number of visitors and my rankings too got very high. We convey our sincere apologies for presenting you less posts due to some techincal problems, and we assure you that you can't wait to ping Techformation further.


In a nutshell we are presenting you all the posts that are published this month. In case you missed any post for any reason, check them out.


I am very happy to announce that the current Alexa ranking for Techformation is 570k (571047). Where as the last month ranking is 800k. Keep on viewing to stay updated.


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