Friday, January 14, 2011

3 BMW Car Concepts by 2015

BMW is going to unleash 3 models by the end of 2015 as the part of its research and development process. These prototypes are going to be the costliest motor vehicles as of now. Right now BMW is undertaking these projects based on regions and functionalities. The best part is that, these prototypes are being developed by students as a part of the project. BMW is encouraging young talents as the official project work.

1. BMW ZX-6 Concept by Jai Ho Yoo and Lukas Vanek

2. BMW Africa-decompose concept by Raphael Laurent and Mihai Panaitescu

3. BMW Snug Concept by David Raffai, Kevin Schlaepfer, Andrea Torchia and Alberto Usai

4. BMW Vela Concept

 (Images courtesy by IED)


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