Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Use Mouse Without it!!

Free your hands! The Mouseless, completely invisible, is an innovative mouse that allows you to interact with the computers as the physical mouse do, while not needing to grapping it (of course you cannot!) It consists of an Infrared (IR) laser beam (with line cap) and an Infrared camera, both of which are built inside the computer. So when the user cups his/her hand on the surface where the computer sits on, a laser beam then appear underneath the hand, allowing him/her to interact with the computers. Really magical, right? This project is the part of Sixth Sense Technology developed by Pranav Mistry, a MITian.

This project is analogous to projector PC which works in the same concept. There is no real PC but the projector projects the screen, keyboard and mouse on any surface and the user can touch it to access them.

Watch a video to see how Mouseless works. Click Here to watch.

For more information regarding this project, Click Here.

Designer: Pranav Mistry



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